1) Title Tag - The title tag is the most influential SEO technique one can have online, therefore utilize it innovatively! The item to be inserted in the title tag should only be one thing, the accurate keyword you used or trying to use for optimizing your web page you are trying to optimize. Every web page should possess a title tag.
2) ALT Tags - ALT tags were intended to be for text browsers since the images didn't illustrate in text browsers and the ATL tags would guide the guest about what it's. You should insert your important keywords in ALT tags, but in limits because you could get dropped in the outcome.
3) Link Popularity - Link popularity is the most vital SEO tool for everyone. There are many search engines which ignore the websites if they don’t possess at least one link to their sites. This is considered important because it helps your website to place at high rankings. The keywords used should be concise & unique. Make sure they are present in the link that switches to your site. You should keep a check on the reciprocal link before linking to them to make sure that it’s not a spam.
4) Keyword Density–Keyword density is important & it should be handled wisely. Keywords should be used only once in the title tag, bold heading, bold text etc .Make sure you use the accurate density for the keywords. Along with density, keyword quality is also very important.
5) Page Size – Speed plays an important role for the guests and the search engines. The reason being the robots will be capable to spider your web page at high speed with much eases. Make a try to adjust the size of your web page between 5K and 10K.
6) Rich Theme - Search engines are always in the search of themes. Develop content (Articles, FAQ, tips, etc.) as much as you can, keep the web pages around 200 to 500 words because search engines at a time of particular search up to 500 words. Try to create only that link which is related to your site & attract the customers to your website.
7) Web Site Design – Good web site design plays an important role if your site to be at the top rankings. Text content should overshadow the HTML content. The pages should be available in all the famous web browsers that are used today. Avoid flash and Java Script.
8) Insite Cross Linking - This will help in getting all your web pages ranked. The web pages should not be much far way from the home page. Also make sure that the content used is of high quality & make sure that there is a home page link on every subsequent web page.