On-Page factor is linked straight to the content and construction of the website. This usually contains pages composed in HTML & ranked by search engines. On-page optimization includes manipulating keyword occurrence in the URL, Title, Headings, Hypertext Links and Body text. It might, in addition includes plummeting superfluous HTML codes formed by Web page tools and reforming the site to yield improved linked and targeted page content.
There are some On Page optimization techniques which can earn you more browsers. These include:
(1) Content Optimization: Content optimization requires a lot of effort & it’s a very time consuming task. This is due to the fact that you not only have composed content keeping mind your browser needs but also monitor the search engines. It should be clear for your browser & the search engines as well what a page is all about if its mentioned in the headline they will have better idea .And its always good to repeat the essential keywords many times. So you have to maintain the right accurate equilibrium. Always give top priority to your browser .Try to make the content more understandable & readable. Construct the website in a way that it gives clear idea about what it is all about.
(2) TITLE-Tag
It is shown at the apex of your website and it is also used as the title of your website. Thus you must devote some of your time and come out with the exclusive title for your page. Try to allocate each page of your website its own title which should be in the range of 10-12 words.
(3) META-Tags
META-Tags are not as essential these days as they were before. This is due to the fact that people began using them to spam search engines. Particularly the keyword-tag was a lot used for that purpose. Nonetheless there are yet some necessary META-Tags you must use:
The description-tag is perhaps the most vital META-Tag and you should choose it cautiously as the title-tag. Try to give each page of your site its separate description. The description -tag still has optimistic effects in ranking of the website.
(4) Headlines & text decoration: Headlines should be used not only to format your content and keep it simple to read, but also for SEO reasons. Search engines give headlines between tags more importance especially H1 .In the same way the text decoration also influences the search engines if it also contain relevant content.
(5) TITLE and ALT Attributes: Title and Alt - attributes are explain text-links and images. Its not simply for search engine optimization reasons that you should employ them, but also for convenience. They are displayed as you shift the mouse over links and images.
(6) Keep it up-to-date: Search engines are always looking for new content, so provide them with most relevant content. This will help to attract more & more traffic to your side as search engine will spider your site many times if you keep your content up to date .