Outsourcing software development has become a prominent business practice in which a company contracts all or part of its software projects to the outsourcers. Outsourcing software development has become one of the most critical topics & most widely implemented management tool for organizational change. The growing software market offers firms to recruit critical resources to develop quality software including skilled engineers to develop software efficient markets channel to distribute software, strong support from academic research centers & an active capital market to support risk. For this,
Cheap Development Cost: The development cost is relatively low. As compare to
Highly trained & skilled personnel:
Quality: Various training programmers & certification processes ensure the quality of software personnel & services. Today many CMM level5 and ISO certified companies are located in cities of
State of art Technology: A survey shows more than 65% of Indian software companies use the state of the art technology in their software development process. It includes the use of Computer aided software engineering (CASE) & fourth generation Languages (4GLs) in Software development; adoption of graphical User Interface, OOP techniques etc. Acquiring high computing equipments is no longer a major obstacle for software project as the price of such equipment is going down dramatically. The declining cost of telecommunication facilities that can lower cost of delivering the programmers output to their clients around the world.
Establishing Partnership: The huge market opportunities in