The micro small business is gaining popularity in the global market today. There are various types of small business that are rising. All of them have different needs & advantages .The need for IT consulting is also not the same. This article can throw some light on what is micro small business & need for consulting in micro small business
One can easily define micro small business as-The term micro business tends to better describe the smallest niche/place within the small business world. A micro business is, in general has less than ten employees & includes some unique needs to that space. It has very less number of PC hardly 5-10. It requires relatively small amounts of capital or credit financing(less than $25.000) In addition, micro small business include pert-time or self employment activities to supplement family income. It doesn’t even have a dedicated server. This clearly differentiates micro business with big IT consulting companies.
The main reason that IT consultants are required in this business is that they have one to one system. Making a career in IT consulting is not a very easy job. You can easily start your business but to get success in this business requires large contracts from big business companies. At the earliest stage people are not able to make high contacts which can win them contracts so they start their work with micro small business. There is some hardware requirement for entering into the IT consulting. You must have some knowledge about PC, support; PDAs like Window CD based PDAs, printers, modems, backups etc.
In addition to hardware requirements there are some software requirements as well that should be taken care of for micro business IT consulting. It requires basic knowledge of Windows & other operating systems. Basically they use Windows & look for heavy desktop Microsoft office support, basic notebook & PC support.